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Why Your Limiting Beliefs Create Objections

I typically work with 5 to 7 1:1 clients at a time.

I don't open up more than this, solely because I want to make a profound difference with each of them.

This also allows me to get an in-depth understanding of each client and their view of the world.

Without fail, their view of the world dictates their performance in certain areas.

Limiting Beliefs

If you have hesitations about something, maybe the way you were raised or something as a result of setbacks you've faced, without even knowing it, you pass these along to your prospects.



We've all had a time in our lives where money was scarce.

We've been a little unsure as to where the next pay might come from, sometimes even to the point where we aren't sure where this week's rent is coming from.

If you've taken on a sales call in that state, your limiting beliefs around money will absolutely be displayed to the prospect.

The way that I noticed this on calls, the price is almost apologetically spoken about.

It is made to seem like a whole lot more than it actually is.

The prospect will feel this, and most of the time will view it through the same frame.

The next thing you know, you're half-heartedly overcoming a price objection that you created.


Some people are naturally risk averse, and that's ok.

But it becomes an issue when you're trying to sell something that is perceived as risky.

Think about an alternative investment strategy, or an in-person event where they will be pushed to their limits.

If that sort of thing scares you, you will pass this hesitation over to the prospect. 

There will be no conviction in what you're saying.

Belief In The Offer

Now here's one we can all relate to.

We've all hit a point where we have lost conviction in the program we're selling.

Maybe the fulfilment has changed.

Perhaps we got to see behind the curtain and realized it wasn't all it was meant to be.

No matter the case, our sales take a massive nose dive.

The calls become real work. Subconsciously you're talking yourself and the prospect out of it.


My thoughts on this? Don't wait around.

As soon as you aren't completely onboard with an offer, make a change.

Speak to the owners and voice your concerns.

If it falls on deaf ears, leave and go somewhere else.

You can sell your integrity for a period of time, but there's no refund on that.

Action Steps

Take stock of the most common objections you have, and the ones that you can't seem to pre-handle or overcome.

On the back of that, do some self-reflection on how you feel about it and how it shows up in your life.

If it's money:

  • Would you spend that $ amount to learn a skill you need?
  • Have you invested in the past and has it been worthwhile?
  • How abundant is money in your life?
  • If not, how easily do you think you could change that?

If it's risk:

  • What is the most recent thing you did that was risky?    
  • How does investing in the very thing you sell feel?

You get the idea.

Limiting beliefs will do just that - limit you.

Identifying and acknowledging them is the first step to becoming more effective and successful in sales.


When you're ready, here's how I can help. 


Finding A+ Offers
Comprehensive and proven systems to find and connect with legitimate A+ sales opportunities. 

Sales Interview OS.
The system I use to engage with and secure the best accounts on terms that work for me. 

1:1 Coaching
I open up a small portion of my calendar each week for 1:1 coaching. This is for salespeople who genuinely want to move the needle in their career. 
If you're interested, enter your details here and I'll be in touch.

The Sunday Sales Pro

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