Subscribe - The Sunday Sales Pro

Finally, No-Fluff Sales Advice That Actually Works

Join thousands of readers every Sunday - The Sunday Sales Pro.

Every Sunday I'll send you one focused, tactical resource to sharpen your sales skills and boost your earnings, all whilst creating a life on your terms.

How I Can Help

Need help finding an A+ offer?

Finding A+ Offers

Proven systems to find and connect
with legitimate A+ sales opportunities. 

Finding A+ Offers

Need help landing an A+ offer?


Screen your offers
Interview like a pro
Negotiate your terms

Sales Interview OS

Need some 1:1 support?

1:1 Coaching

If you genuinely want to move the needle in your sales career, join the wait list to see if it's a fit.


About Me

Over the past 10 years in sales, I’ve sold solutions from $500 to over $500k.

Masterminds, SaaS, AI, even Sex Coaching at one point.

In 2018, my time in corporate ended. I couldn’t take showing up as an employee for another day.

So I quit, bought a one way ticket overseas and started to figure out the life of remote sales.

About Me

The Sunday Sales Pro

Live Life On Your Terms 

Every week you'll receive a system, resource or actionable item that will directly impact your ability to close more deals. 
